Creekwood Associates is a contracted provider with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO (BCBS-PPO). If you are a subscriber of BCBS-PPO, the office will bill your insurer directly. Your co-pay or any applicable deductible amount should be made at each visit. In addition, some providers are also in-network with the Northwestern Medicine BCBS HMO.
The providers at Creekwood Associates are also available as an “out-of-network” provider for those carrying health insurance other than BCBS-PPO. However, full payment is expected at time of service. Statement receipts will be provided to you for your submission to your insurer for reimbursement. You are recommended to contact your insurance company to verify your benefits and your level of reimbursement for out-of-network services. You should also inquire from your insurer if you are required to obtain a prior authorization for treatment.